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cachedBoard - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ServerMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
callVisitor(ClientMessageManagerVisitor) - Method in class
canBeClosed() - Method in class
Determines if the dialog can be closed; by default, a dialog can be closed anytime
canBeClosed() - Method in class
Determines if the dialog can be closed
canBeClosed() - Method in class
Determines if the dialog can be closed
canBuild(BuildAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines if the worker chosen for the build action can actually build
canEndTurn() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildAgainDifferentCell
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurn() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildAgainSameCell
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurn() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurn() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurn() - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurnAutomatically() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildAgainDifferentCell
canEndTurnAutomatically() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurnAutomatically() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canEndTurnAutomatically() - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Determines whether a player can end its turn
canGo(Worker, Cell) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.MovementStrategy
Determines if a given cell is reachable by a worker
cannotHandleMessage(Message) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Invoked in case the message received has a Visitor method not implemented in this parser.
cannotHandleMessage(Message) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
Handles messages not supposed to be visited in the class it is implemented to
cannotHandleMessage(Message) - Method in class
Manages all non-lobby related messages (e.g.
CannotMoveUp - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectOpponentTurnEffects
If a worker of a player using this effects moves on an higher level, all the other players cannot move on an higher level during their next turn.
CannotMoveUp() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectOpponentTurnEffects.CannotMoveUp
Default constructor
cardClicked(MouseEvent) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.ChooseGodsController
CARRIAGE_RETURN - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.Constants
Cell - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.model
The base unit of the game board
Cell(int, int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
Default constructor
Cell(int, int, boolean, Worker, Block) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
Jackson Constructor
cellFrames - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
cellHeight - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
cellWidth - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
checkLoseCondition() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectMyTurnEffects.BuildBeforeAfterMovement
Checks if the turn can begin
checkLoseCondition() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Checks if the turn can begin
checkLoseCondition() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Checks if the turn can begin, checking for both players to be free
checkLoseCondition() - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Checks if the turn can begin, checking for both players to be free
checkLoseCondition(BuildAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectMyTurnEffects.BuildBeforeAfterMovement
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a build action
checkLoseCondition(BuildAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a build action
checkLoseCondition(BuildAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkLoseCondition(BuildAction) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkLoseCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.MoveAgain
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkLoseCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkLoseCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkLoseCondition(MoveAction) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Determines if the lose conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkWinCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.winConditionEffects.Down2Levels
Determines if the win conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkWinCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Determines if the win conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkWinCondition(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
Determines if the win conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
checkWinCondition(MoveAction) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Determines if the win conditions are satisfied upon a movement action
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user which action to perform
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user which action to perform
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Asks the user which action to perform
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user which action to perform
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseAction(List<PossibleActions>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user which action to perform
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user which block to build on a cell
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user which block to build on a cell
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Asks the user which block to build on a cell
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user which block to build on a cell
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseBlockToBuild(List<Block>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user which block to build on a cell
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user to choose the gods for the game
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user to choose the gods for the game
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Shows the user a MultipleChoiceListDialog, containing the gods and their descriptions
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user to choose the gods for the game
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseGameGods(List<GodData>, int) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the lobby owner to choose the gods for the game
chooseGod(ChooseYourGodResponse) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Handles a ChooseYourGodResponse message
chooseGod(ChooseYourGodResponse) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
chooseGods(List<GodData>) - Method in class
Receives the list of chosen gods from the lobby owner and, if correct, asks the next player to choose its god
ChooseGodsController - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController
ChooseGodsController() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.ChooseGodsController
chooseInitialGods(ChooseInitialGodsResponse) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Handles a ChooseInitialGodsResponse message
chooseInitialGods(ChooseInitialGodsResponse) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
chooseInitialGods(ChooseInitialGodsRequest) - Method in interface
chooseInitialGods(ChooseInitialGodsRequest) - Method in class
Asks the lobby owner to choose the gods for the match
ChooseInitialGodsRequest - Class in
ChooseInitialGodsRequest(String, List<GodData>) - Constructor for class
ChooseInitialGodsResponse - Class in
ChooseInitialGodsResponse(String, List<GodData>) - Constructor for class
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user which lobby it wants to join
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user which lobby to join
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Asks the user to choose which lobby to join, showing a list of available lobbies and their details
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user which lobby to join
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseLobbyToJoin(Map<String, List<String>>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user which lobby it wants to join
chooseMatchReload() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user if it wants to reload an existing saved match
chooseMatchReload() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseMatchReload() - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user if it wants to reload an existing saved match
chooseStartingPlayer(ChooseStartingPlayerResponse) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
chooseStartingPlayer(ChooseStartingPlayerResponse) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
chooseStartingPlayer(ChooseStartingPlayerRequest) - Method in interface
chooseStartingPlayer(ChooseStartingPlayerRequest) - Method in class
Asks the user to select the player which plays first
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user which player will play first
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user which player will play first
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Asks the user which player will play first
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user which player will play first
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseStartingPlayer(List<String>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user which player will play first
ChooseStartingPlayerInputManager - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers
ChooseStartingPlayerInputManager(Client, List<String>) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.ChooseStartingPlayerInputManager
Default constructor
ChooseStartingPlayerRequest - Class in
ChooseStartingPlayerRequest(String, List<String>) - Constructor for class
ChooseStartingPlayerResponse - Class in
ChooseStartingPlayerResponse(String, String) - Constructor for class
chooseToReloadMatch() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user if it wants to reload an existing saved match
chooseToReloadMatch() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Shows the user a dialog with two buttons (Yes/No), asking the user if it wants to reload a previously saved game status
chooseToReloadMatch() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user if it wants to reload an existing saved match
chooseToReloadMatch(ChooseToReloadMatchRequest) - Method in interface
chooseToReloadMatch(ChooseToReloadMatchRequest) - Method in class
Asks the user if it wants to restore a previously saved game
ChooseToReloadMatchRequest - Class in
ChooseToReloadMatchRequest(String) - Constructor for class
ChooseToReloadMatchResponse - Class in
ChooseToReloadMatchResponse(String, boolean) - Constructor for class
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user to choose its personal god for the game
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user to choose its personal god for the game
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Shows the user a DetailedSingleChoiceListDialog, containing the available gods and descriptions
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user to choose its personal god for the game
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseUserGod(List<GodData>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user to pick its god
chooseWorker(Worker) - Method in class
Asks the user to choose a worker
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Asks the user to choose a worker
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Asks the user to choose a worker
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Asks the user to choose a worker
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Asks the user to pick a worker
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
chooseWorker(List<Cell>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Asks the user to choose a worker
ChooseWorkerPositionRequest - Class in
ChooseWorkerPositionRequest(String, List<Cell>) - Constructor for class
chooseYourGod(ChooseYourGodRequest) - Method in interface
chooseYourGod(ChooseYourGodRequest) - Method in class
Asks the user to choose its god
If there's only one god left to be chosen, it is automatically assigned to the player
ChooseYourGodRequest - Class in
ChooseYourGodRequest(String, List<GodData>) - Constructor for class
ChooseYourGodResponse - Class in
ChooseYourGodResponse(String, GodData) - Constructor for class
chooseYourWorkerPosition(ChooseWorkerPositionRequest) - Method in interface
chooseYourWorkerPosition(ChooseWorkerPositionRequest) - Method in class
Asks the user to choose where to place its worker
ChosenGodsEvent - Class in
ChosenGodsEvent(Type, String, List<GodData>) - Constructor for class
cleanInput(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.InputManager
Sanitizes an input string
cli - Variable in class
The View object
cli - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
The UI which created the printer
CLI - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli
Command Line Interface manager
CLI(boolean) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Default constructor
client - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.InputManager
The client to manage the input for
Client - Class in
Representation of a client,
Client(ViewInterface) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
Client(ViewInterface, String, String) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
ClientMessageManagerVisitor - Interface in
Visitor interface for messages travelling from the server to the client
cloneAllCells() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.GameBoard
cloneCell() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
Creates a clone of the cell
cloneGameBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.GameBoard
Returns a clone of the current game board state
cloneGod(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.God
Creates a clone of this god
cloneMatrix(String[][]) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
Clones a String matrix
clonePlayer(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Player
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectMyTurnEffects.BuildBeforeAfterMovement
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.affectOpponentTurnEffects.CannotMoveUp
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildAgainDifferentCell
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildAgainSameCell
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.buildingEffects.BuildDome
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.MoveAgain
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.Push
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.Swap
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.winConditionEffects.Down2Levels
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
Creates a clone of this object
cloneStrategy(Game) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
Creates a clone of this object
cloneTurn(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Turn
Creates a clone of this object
cloneWorker() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Worker
Creates a clone of this worker
close() - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.Console
Closes the program, bringing the terminal back to canonical mode
closeConnection() - Method in class
Terminates the current socket connection
closeConnection() - Method in class
Ends the connection between the server and client
closeConnection() - Method in class
Terminates the connection with the corresponding client
closeWindow(Window) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.Console
Closes the given window, re-enabling the underlying one
ClosingButton - Class in
A clickable button that closes its container (if possible) when pressed
ClosingButton(Dialog, CursorPosition, int, int, String) - Constructor for class
Custom constructor
ClosingButton(Dialog, CursorPosition, String) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
color - Variable in class
The rectangle color scheme
Color - Class in
Color - Enum in it.polimi.ingsw.model
Worker color
Color(InputStream) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
console - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Console - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console
Console utilities
Constants - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view
CREATE_LOBBY - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.Constants
createGame() - Method in class
Creates and starts a new game
createLobby(CreateLobbyRequest) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
Visitor for CreateLobbyRequest
createLobby(CreateLobbyRequest) - Method in class
Manages the CreateLobbyRequest Tries to create a new lobby, based on the user input; if the parameters are correct (name not already taken, size between 2 and 3), the lobby is created and a confirmation LobbyCreatedEvent is sent to the lobby creator and all the users in the waiting room; otherwise, an error message is sent to the creator only.
createLobby(LobbyCreatedEvent) - Method in interface
Visitor for LobbyCreatedEvent
createLobby(LobbyCreatedEvent) - Method in class
Notifies the user about the creation of a new lobby
CreateLobbyRequest - Class in
CreateLobbyRequest(String, String, int) - Constructor for class
currentActiveItem() - Method in class
Provides the dialog item which is currently selected
currentBufferSize() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.RawConsoleInput
Provides the current size of the input string stored in the buffer
currentInputSize() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.RawConsoleInput
Provides the number of printable characters in the buffer
currentWindow() - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.Console
Provides the last window opened
cursor - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.Console
CURSOR_BACK - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.Constants
CursorPosition - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console
CursorPosition() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.CursorPosition
CursorPosition(int, int) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.CursorPosition
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