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saveState() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerController
Saves the current state of the game to a file
saveStateToVariable() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Game
Creates a clone of this object
SCENE_HEIGHT - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
SCENE_WIDTH - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
SELECT_OTHER_WORKER - it.polimi.ingsw.model.PossibleActions
SelectActionCellInputManager - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers
SelectActionCellInputManager(Client, List<Cell>, boolean, MessageManagerParser) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.SelectActionCellInputManager
SelectActionInputManager - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers
SelectActionInputManager(Client, List<PossibleActions>, List<Cell>, MessageManagerParser) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.SelectActionInputManager
Default constructor
SelectBlockInputManager - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers
SelectBlockInputManager(Client, MessageManagerParser, List<Block>) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.SelectBlockInputManager
selectBuildingCell(String, Cell) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerController
Provides the possible blocks which the current player's worker can build
SelectBuildingCellRequest - Class in
SelectBuildingCellRequest(String, Cell) - Constructor for class
selectCell(Cell, PrintableObject) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
Highlights a single cell
selectCellToBuild(SelectBuildingCellRequest) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Handles a SelectBuildingCellRequest message
selectCellToBuild(SelectBuildingCellRequest) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
selected - Variable in class
Determines if this has been selected in the parent
selectStartingPlayer(String) - Method in class
Rotates the players' list, based on the first player chosen, then starts the game
selectWorker(SelectWorkerRequest) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Handles a SelectWorkerRequest message
selectWorker(SelectWorkerRequest) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerMessageManagerVisitor
selectWorker(String, Worker) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerController
Sets a player's selected worker for the following actions to be performed
SelectWorkerInputManager - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers
SelectWorkerInputManager(Client, List<Cell>, MessageManagerParser) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.SelectWorkerInputManager
SelectWorkerListener - Interface in it.polimi.ingsw.listeners
Listens for a legal worker selection
SelectWorkerRequest - Class in
SelectWorkerRequest(String, Worker) - Constructor for class
sendBuild(Block) - Method in class
Sends a PlayerBuildRequest to the server
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class
Sends a message to the server
sendMessage(Message) - Method in class
Sends a message to the server
sendMessage(String) - Method in class
Sends a string to the server
sendMessage(String, Message) - Method in class
Sends a message to a given user
sendMessageToWaitingRoom(Message) - Method in class
Sends a message to all the clients in the waiting room
sendMove(Cell) - Method in class
Sends a PlayerMoveRequest to the server
Server - Class in
Manages the client connections
Server(int, int) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
ServerController - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.controller
Actual game controller
ServerController(GameInterface, Map<User, PlayerInterface>, MessageManagerParser, File) - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerController
Default constructor
ServerMessageManagerVisitor - Interface in it.polimi.ingsw.controller
Visitor interface for messages travelling from the client(s) to the server
setAsHome() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.CursorPosition
setBlock(Block) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
block setter
setBoardUtils() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Creates a BoardUtils object, based on the printer calling it
setBoardUtils() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Creates a FancyPrinterBoardUtils
setBoardUtils() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Creates a BoardUtils object, based on the printer calling it
setCachedBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
Sets the first version of a board, useful in case of a restoration from a saved game
setCellsReferences(Player) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Game
Sets the position references for the Player's workers and the gameBoard cells
setCellTile(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.utils.MapTileImage
setChosenSize(int) - Method in class
chosenSize setter
setController(GameScreenController) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.utils.MapTileImage
setCoordinates(int, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.CursorPosition
setCreatingLobby(boolean) - Method in class
creatingLobby setter
setCurrentPlayer(boolean) - Method in class
Sets a flag allowing the user to send messages
setCurrentTurn(Turn) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Game
currentTurn setter
setFile(File) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.ServerController
Sets the file to save the game to and saves the current state to it
setGame(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Player
Sets what the Player is playing
setGame(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
game setter
setGame(Game) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
game setter
setGame(Game) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
game setter
setGui(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.GameScreenController
setGui(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.StartingPlayerController
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.ChooseGodsController
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LobbyController
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LoginController
setGUI(GUI) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.ReloadMatchController
setHasDome(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
hasDome setter
setHighlightedCells(List<Cell>) - Method in class
Sets the cells to highlight, valid until this gets disabled
setIndex(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.utils.ResizableImageView
setInputManager(InputManager) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Sets the InputManager to parse the inputs
setInputManager(InputManager) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
setInputManager(InputManager) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Sets the InputManager to parse the inputs
setInputRequested(boolean) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LobbyController
setInputString(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
setIpAddress(String) - Method in class
ipAddress setter
setIpIsSet(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LoginController
setLookingForLobbies(boolean) - Method in class
lookingForLobbies setter
setMovesUpAvailable(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
movesUpAvailable setter
setMovesUpAvailable(int) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetStrategy
movesUpAvailable setter
setName(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.utils.ResizableImageView
setOccupiedBy(Worker) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Cell
occupiedBy setter
setPlayerData(List<PlayerData>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
setPosition(Cell) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Worker
position setter
setReloading(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LoginController
setRoot(String) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
setSelectedCell(Cell) - Method in class
selectedCell setter
setSelectedWorker(Worker) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.Player
Sets the worker to perform the next action
setSelectedWorker(Worker) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.model.PlayerInterface
Sets the worker to perform the next action
setServerController(ServerController) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.controller.MessageManagerParser
Sets the parser's game controller
setStrategy(RuleSetStrategy) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.God
strategy setter
setStrategy(RuleSetStrategy) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetContext
strategy setter
setUsername(String) - Method in class
Sets the username and, if possible, starts a connection
setUsername(String) - Method in class
username setter
setWaitingForInput(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.InputManager
setWaitingForInput(boolean) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.SelectWorkerInputManager
show() - Method in class
Shows the button on the screen
show() - Method in class
Draws itself
show() - Method in class
Draws itself
show() - Method in class
Prints the object on the screen
show() - Method in class
Draws the textBox on the screen, drawing its background, borders and label
show() - Method in class
Shows the window on the console
show() - Method in class
Prints the object on the screen
show() - Method in class
Draws itself and the details pane
show() - Method in class
(Does not) print the object on the screen
show() - Method in class
Draws itself and the details pane
show() - Method in class
show() - Method in class
Draws itself
show() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
Shows the window on the console
showCursor() - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.Console
Makes the cursor blink
showErrorMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Shows an error message
showErrorMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
showErrorMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
showErrorMessage(String) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Shows an error message
showGameBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinterBoardUtils
showGameBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
showGameBoard() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Prints the game board on the screen
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinterBoardUtils
Shows the current gameBoard on the screen, highlighting some cells
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
Shows the current gameBoard on the screen, highlighting some cells
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Prints the game board on the screen
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
showGameBoard(List<Cell>) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Prints the game board on the screen
showGameBoard(List<Cell>, List<Cell>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Prints the game board on the screen
showGameRules() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.GameScreenController
showGameRules() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.LoginController
showMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinterBoardUtils
showSavedSettings(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.basicPrinter.BasicPrinter
Shows the user the saved address/username combos
showSavedSettings(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.fancyPrinter.FancyPrinter
Shows a dialog with Yes/No buttons to decide to reload a previously saved address/username combo
showSavedSettings(List<String>) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.Printer
Shows the user the saved address/username combos
showSuccessMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.CLI
Shows a success message
showSuccessMessage(String) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
showSuccessMessage(String) - Method in interface it.polimi.ingsw.view.ViewInterface
Shows a success message
SimpleListItem - Class in
SimpleListItem(WindowItem, CursorPosition, String) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
SingleChoiceListDialog - Class in
A dialog showing a list of elements; when the enter key is pressed, the currently selected item is triggered, causing it to return its value to the inputManager and this to be closed
SingleChoiceListDialog(String, String, Window, List<String>) - Constructor for class
Default constructor
SingleChoiceListDialog(String, String, Window, List<String>, int, int, CursorPosition) - Constructor for class
Custom constructor
SingleChoiceListPane - Class in
SingleChoiceListPane(WindowItem, CursorPosition, int, int, List<String>, String) - Constructor for class
Custom constructor
splitMessage(String, int) - Static method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.RawConsoleOutput
Splits a long message on multiple lines, separating the words at blank spaces OR whenever a '\n' is found
start(Stage) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.GUI
startingCell - Variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.rules.RuleSetBase
StartingPlayerController - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController
StartingPlayerController() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.view.gui.viewController.StartingPlayerController
startServer() - Method in class
Opens the Socket connection
startTimer(int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.InputManager
Starts the timer which will terminate the client if no input is received for a certain amount of time
STOP_BLINK - Static variable in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.Constants
stopBlink() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.CursorPosition
stopConnection() - Method in class
Terminates the connection with the server, closing the socket streams
stopTimer() - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.inputManagers.InputManager
This method cancels the task and reset the second passed
subMatrix(String[][], int, int, int, int) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.view.cli.console.printers.BoardUtils
Retrieves a subMatrix from a bigger matrix
Swap - Class in it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects
Swap position with opponents' workers workers when moving
Swap() - Constructor for class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.Swap
Default constructor
swapAction(MoveAction) - Method in class it.polimi.ingsw.model.godCardsEffects.movementEffects.Swap
Applies the action and eventually swaps the target cell's occupant position
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