Module AM37

Class LoggerPane

public class LoggerPane
extends WindowItem
  • Constructor Details

    • LoggerPane

      public LoggerPane​(WindowItem parent, CursorPosition initCoord, int width, int height, java.lang.String id)
      Custom constructor

      Creates an item using custom settings
      The initial coordinates are relative to the object's parent

      parent - the Dialog containing this
      initCoord - the item coordinates
      width - the object width
      height - the object height
      id - the object id
  • Method Details

    • addLogLine

      public void addLogLine​(java.lang.String line, boolean urgent)
      Adds a new line to the logger, eventually scrolling and deleting the previous ones
      line - the line to add (can be split)
      urgent - alters the log text if true
    • drawBorders

      protected void drawBorders()
      Does nothing, because the alternative color scheme is used to show urgent messages
      drawBorders in class Rectangle