Module AM37

Interface KeyEventListener

All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ActiveItem, BasicPrinterBoardUtils, BoardUtils, Button, ButtonsDialog, ClosingButton, Console, CursorPosition, DetailedSingleChoiceListDialog, Dialog, ErrorDialog, FancyPrinterBoardUtils, GridOverlay, InputDialog, ListItem, ListPane, MessageDialog, MultipleChoiceListDialog, ReturningButton, ReturningListItem, SimpleListItem, SingleChoiceListDialog, SingleChoiceListPane, TextBox, TextInputDialog, Window

public interface KeyEventListener
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    default void onArrowDown()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Down key is pressed
    default void onArrowLeft()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Left key is pressed
    default void onArrowRight()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Right key is pressed
    default void onArrowUp()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Up key is pressed
    default void onBackspace()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Backspace key is pressed
    default void onCarriageReturn()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Enter key is pressed
    default void onPrintableKey​(char key)
    Defines the listener behavior when a printable character key is pressed
    default void onTab()
    Defines the listener behavior when the Tab key is pressed
  • Method Details

    • onPrintableKey

      default void onPrintableKey​(char key)
      Defines the listener behavior when a printable character key is pressed
    • onCarriageReturn

      default void onCarriageReturn()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Enter key is pressed
    • onBackspace

      default void onBackspace()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Backspace key is pressed
    • onTab

      default void onTab()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Tab key is pressed
    • onArrowUp

      default void onArrowUp()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Up key is pressed
    • onArrowDown

      default void onArrowDown()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Down key is pressed
    • onArrowRight

      default void onArrowRight()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Right key is pressed
    • onArrowLeft

      default void onArrowLeft()
      Defines the listener behavior when the Arrow Left key is pressed